Sunday, July 10, 2011

Beware of Media and Politicians Seeking to Control Your Mind

Dr. Boyce Watkins, Your Black WorldScholarship in Action 

I saw a headline today involving Pastor Jeremiah Wright.  The headline stated the following: "Jeremiah Wright's Church Denomination Banishes ‘God the Father’ for Gay Inclusion.”  The headline was interesting in that it almost seemed to imply that Jeremiah Wright had made the decision himself.

What was most peculiar about this article is that it was dead wrong.  First, Pastor Wright has not been the head of The Trinity United Church of Christ for at least two years.  Therefore, he doesn't make the church's decisions.  Secondly, the United Church of Christ is a national body, meaning that even Trinity itself cannot make such a decision.  So, the goal of getting Pastor Wright's name into a juicy headline played a dominant role in how this article was written.



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