Quick Notes: I was on Jesse Jackson’s radio show again yesterday. Here is a link to Rev. Jackson’s first public speech since the Barack Obama incident. I also want to say congratulations to my attorney, Nicole Taylor, in Louisville, KY who just started her own legal practice. Nicole (one of the sharpest people I know) had a child at the age of 15, and then went on to graduate at the top of her class for her BA, MBA and JD degrees. She shows that we should never give up on our kids, especially young mothers.
The topic of Rev. Jackson's show was continuing the legacy of Dr. King. Most of us know how watered down Dr. King's dream has become and we sometimes forget the significant link between Dr. King's dream and the quest for economic equality. Here is a link to a study that you might find interesting. It shows that racism is still rampant in our country and that many people know it. This doesn't surprise me, since the United Nations Human Rights Watch has criticized our country heavily as a result of our nation’s commitment to maintaining a two-tiered society. In the report, they mentioned the following:
1) The disproportionate number of black men in the prison system (Note: this links directly to the high number of AIDS cases in our community, since the government does very little to stop prison rape).
2) Black men getting longer sentences for the same crimes.
3) Black men are far more likely to go to prison for the same crimes and less likely to receive adequate counsel (This links to the impact that Jim Crow and Slavery have had on the disproportionate allocation of wealth in our society - therefore, black men are statistically less capable of paying for expensive attorneys)
4) Black children are less likely to receive an adequate education (We know that many inner city schools are horrible. Also, the legacy of racial inequality creates lower wealth levels in the inner city and thus a lower tax base to support public schools).
Senator Obama expects your vote, so I hope you also ask for his vote. The fight today is not so much against racism: it is against racial inequality. Racial inequality is what you get when you’ve built the foundation of your society on racially destructive habits, norms and activities that advance one ethnic group over another. Even when racism leaves the room, racial inequality remains long afterward. In light of the recent apology for slavery and Jim Crow by our Congress, we might want to consider the following:
1) Since the Federal Government (our largest and most powerful institution) has apologized for slavery, oppression and Jim Crow, does that also imply that many of the smaller institutions in America (universities, corporations and media outlets over 100 years old) should apologize as well? For example, my institution, Syracuse University, spent over 100 years excluding African Americans from opportunity, thus leading to an incredibly skewed distribution of decision-making authority on our campus today. This leads to a lower quality of education for students of color and fewer opportunities for black faculty to have leadership positions. This is not just true here, but EVERYWHERE. The first step toward fixing a problem is to acknowledge it. It is also important to realize that the past does not live in a vacuum: it lives all around us. Most people, places, objects and concepts are here today because of something that someone did in the past - so addressing the present is a way to address the past.
2) Given that Congress has apologized for slavery and Jim Crow, what should our government do next? If I do something to harm another person, the first step toward healing is to acknowledge and apologize. I applaud Congress for issuing an apology. The next step, once I have decided to apologize, is to ask “How do I make it right?” If we are truly on the path toward racial reconciliation in our country, we must be responsible enough to ensure that we actually correct the damage that has been done. That means affirmative action programs are not seen as discriminatory, but rather, necessary in order to take affirmative steps to correct the firm commitment toward inequality that has crippled our nation for the past 400 years. Affirmative Action programs for White males and privileged Americans have been built for several hundred years and exist in American institutions today. Only additional Affirmative Action programs can help us achieve equality. In a racist, sexist society, you don’t get equality by accident. You have to take affirmative steps to work for it.
3) In a recent news story, I was asked (as a Finance Professor) about the feasibility of reparations. I would like to hear your ideas on how reparations should occur, given that reparations is the only logical way to correct the damage of the past. My thoughts on reparations are that sending everyone a check would be expensive, counter-productive and infeasible. Personally, I would like to see Senator Obama or McCain work toward a commitment to the following:
- Creating a path to ensure equal funding for inner city schools. When I speak at these schools, I notice a dramatic difference in quality from the schools I see in the suburbs. I don't want to see that anymore.
- A commitment to maintaining Affirmative Action programs to ensure that African Americans have opportunities to obtain jobs and college admission – we can’t assume people are going to hire us within decision-making hierarchies designed to advance the ambitions and cultural norms of White males: if a company has never hired a black manager before, there is no reason to assume they are going to do it now. We are less likely to be part of the "good old boy" networks that lead companies to hire and promote those who are politically connected. Many of you work for corporations that don’t hire Black managers and live in cities with depression-era unemployment rates for Black people. THIS IS WRONG AND UNACCEPTABLE.
- An assessment by a group of independent scholars and consultants to determine the institutional, social and economic damage of slavery, Jim Crow and a 400 year commitment to racial exclusion. For example, many universities have no tenured Black faculty as a result of racial exclusion, many corporations have no Black managers, White family wealth is 7 times higher than that for Black families and many media outlets have no Black hosts and little African American programming. All of this should be considered and put into proper context.
- Programs and plans to support the development of Black Businesses: Personally, I believe that every Black child in America should learn entrepreneurship (whether you teach them or someone else). Even highly paid Black professionals who have not learned the importance of economic responsibility and independence can become high-paid sharecroppers with no latitude for political or moral courage. Financial liberation is the key to social and political liberation, since you will always be a slave to the person who feeds your children.
- An increased commitment to head start and early education programs for children of color: Even the most hardened criminal started as an innocent child. It was our careless world that made him/her brutal.
- An evaluation of the educational system to ensure that the public is properly educated on Black history and the impact of past racial exclusion on modern day America: Part of the reason Bill O’Reilly has a show is because our country is so horribly uneducated about the impact of racism. That’s why silly people like John McCain and Ward Connerly can convince others that getting rid of Affirmative Action is the same as fighting against racism. Any educated person knows the difference.
Please state your own opinions by visiting our blog if you have something to say. My apologies for not being able to reply to every email. Either way, you know you have my love and support, and I appreciate your support as well.
Dr. Boyce Watkins
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