Ayvaunn Penn, Your Black World
For previous report click here.
It is probably safe to say that Malikah Shabazz is not upholding the image of her father, Malcolm X. At the age of 46, X’s youngest daughter has been sentenced to 5 years of probation for stealing $55,000 from an elderly woman by charging on credit cards in the woman’s name. Shabazz is required by the courts to pay off the debt in full. If she fails to do so, she could get up to 7 years behind bars.NYDailyNews.comreports:
Friday, July 29, 2011
Malcolm X’s Daughter Gets 5 Years Probation for Robbing the Elderly
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
The Debt Ceiling Debate is Now Reaching Critical Levels
by Ayvaunn Penn, Your Black World
Valuable time is ticking away, and there is now less than a week left until the U.S. runs out of money. Government leaders around the world are getting nervous. According to Reuters, a board member of the Bank of Japan stated, “As the world’s biggest economy, the U.S. would have an immeasurable impact on global financial markets and Japan would not escape the damage. Valerie Pecresse, France’s budget minister says, “The global economy needs an American agreement…WRAPPED UP IN A BOW.” Simply put, everyone’s nerves are being frazzled by this U.S. governmental stalemate. Reuters reports:
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
UN and Other Groups Meet to Solve Somalia Famine Problem
by Ayvaunn Penn, Your Black World
According to reports from CNN, “the World Bank has pledged more than $500 million for famine victims in Somalia as the United Nations met in emergency session Monday to address the aid response in Somalia, the hardest-hit nation in the region.” Robert B. Zoellick, the World Bank President, released a public statement saying, “Immediate relief and recovery is the first priority, and it is important to act fast to reduce human suffering.” The UN reports that over 12 million people are suffering from the famine, and that includes two regions of Somalia.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Dr. Boyce: The Debt Ceiling Battle is a Symptom of Much Greater Economic Troubles
by Dr. Boyce Watkins, Syracuse University – Scholarship in Action
In early 2001, America’s economic future was rosy: Our government was sitting on a massive budget surplus, and the Congressional Budget Office predicted that the next 10 years would carry our nation down the path of seemingly endless prosperity. This was a good time for President George W. Bush to push through a set of massive tax cuts, significantly reducing government revenue at a time when we didn’t quite seem to need the money.
Debt-Ceiling Talks Reaching the Critical Stage for President Obama and the Democrats
Your Black World reports.
The debt-ceiling deadline is fast-approaching, with leadership from both the Democratic and Republican parties bickering over the final arrangements. The Democrats rejected a Republican proposal to raise the ceiling in a two-step process, but both sides are concerned about a negative reaction in Asian markets if a deal is not reached soon.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Study Finds that Black Men Live Longer in Prison than Out of It
by Dr. Boyce Watkins.
Many of us have seen the dismal statistics for black males in America. African American men are at the bottom of the barrel in nearly every category of life, including healthcare, education, incarceration, and unemployment. Many of us raise our black boys with little to no understanding of how many of these statistics are perpetuated by a series of systems that serve to enhance and promote a lifestyle that leads to an early death. That is one reason why we’ve expressed concern for hip-hop music, fueled by corporate America, that promotes a self-destructive lifestyle that many young men emulate.
It turns out that the facts might be worse than many could have speculated. According to a recent study, black men are half as likely to die in prison than if they are free. The authors of the study claim that easier access to healthcare, protection from drugs and alcohol and the ability to avoid deadly black-on-black violence leads to a longer life span for those who are incarcerated. African American males are the only group for which these facts hold true, according to the authors of the study.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Beware of Media and Politicians Seeking to Control Your Mind
Dr. Boyce Watkins, Your Black World – Scholarship in Action
I saw a headline today involving Pastor Jeremiah Wright. The headline stated the following: "Jeremiah Wright's Church Denomination Banishes ‘God the Father’ for Gay Inclusion.” The headline was interesting in that it almost seemed to imply that Jeremiah Wright had made the decision himself.
What was most peculiar about this article is that it was dead wrong. First, Pastor Wright has not been the head of The Trinity United Church of Christ for at least two years. Therefore, he doesn't make the church's decisions. Secondly, the United Church of Christ is a national body, meaning that even Trinity itself cannot make such a decision. So, the goal of getting Pastor Wright's name into a juicy headline played a dominant role in how this article was written.