Thursday, October 1, 2009


In theory, the death penalty for capital crimes should work.

An accused killer takes the life of an innocent and is put to death to protect the rest of society.

The only problem is that theory has little to do with real life.

Prejudicial prosecution; coerced confessions; corrupted informants; botched lawyering; and, yes, even racism, have turned the death penalty, as it is now applied in the United States, into a very dirty, inaccurate business.

Let's cross our fingers and pray that with a little luck, a death knell for the death penalty will soon be sounded, especially in light of the sad case of Romell Broom, who would have been executed in Ohio's death chamber on Sept. 15 but for his weak veins.

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Eugene Riley and Silvonus Shannon were charged with beating Derrion Albert








The video of 16-year-old Derrion Albert being beaten to death is hard enough to watch. The audio makes it almost unbearable.
When Albert is struck in the head with a board we hear the crackling of the wood colliding with his skull. As he falls to the ground we hear the slapping sound as another boy punches the honor student in the side of the head.

There are more noises as various kids rush in and kick him while he's on the ground."Damn, put the n****a to sleep," somebody yells. "Damn, they knocked him out," someone else screams out.

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